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arabic in Latex, is that possible?

   How to create an Arabic paper with the equations in the usual Latin in Latex??

This question is usually asked by people who need to write a scientific document in the Arabic language, specially scientific students or teachers who needs to make their reports, series or exams.
   Many solutions are avalaible, the most used is the one using Arabtex package. It uses a transliteration system so that you may  typeset Arabic using latin letters, but it take a lot of time for the user to be familiar with the transiliteration.
the following Latex code use the Arabtex package:( or you can visualise it at write LaTeX  here )
\setarab % choose the language specific conventions
\vocalize % switch diacritics for short vowels on
\transtrue % additionally switch on the transliteration
\arabtrue % print arabic text ... is on by default anyway
\centerline {\RL{^gu.hA wa-.himAruhu}}
'at_A .sadIquN 'il_A ^gu.hA ya.tlubu minhu .himArahu li-yarkabahu
fI safraTiN qa.sIraTiN wa-qAla lahu:
sawfa 'u`Iduhu 'ilayka fI al-masA'i, wa-'adfa`u laka 'u^graTaN.
fa-qAla ^gu.hA:
'anA 'AsifuN ^giddaN 'annI lA 'asta.tI`u 'an 'u.haqqiqa
laka ra.gbataka, fa-al.himAru laysa hunA al-yawma.
wa-qabla 'an yutimmu ^gu.hA kalAmahu
bada'a al-.himAru yanhaqu fI i.s.tablihi.
fa-qAla lahu .sadIquhu:
'innI 'asma`u .himAraka yA ^gu.hA yanhaqu.
fa-qAla lahu ^gu.hA:
.garIbuN 'amruka yA .sadIqI!
'a-tu.saddiqu al-.himAra wa-tuka_d_dibunI?
and the pdf generated by this code is


 In this blog, we propose to work with the most living solution which use the Arabi package, with this one you can write Arabic words between English script in the code source and generate an Arabic document with symbols and equations in the usual Latin. For exemple we propose the following Latex code:(or see it at write latex)
قصة جحا والحمير

اشترى جحا عشرة حمير فركب واحدا منها وساق تسعة أمامه، ثم عدّالحمير ونسى
الحمار الذي يركبه فوجدها تسعة، فنزل عن الحمار وعدها فوجدها عشرة، فركب مرة
ثانية وعدها فوجدها تسعة، ثم نزل وعدها فوجدها عشرة وأعاد ذلك مراراً فقال: أنا
أمشي وأربح حمارا خير من أن أركب ويذهب مني حمار فمشى خلف الحمير حتى وصل إلى
and the pdf generated by this code is

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