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Mastering Mathematical Illustrations: GeoGebra, Inkscape, and LaTeX Workflow

Introduction to the Exercise In this blog post, we explore the process of creating perfect mathematical figures for academic papers, starting with a practical exercise: Soit $EFG$ un triangle tel que $EF=3$, $FG=7$ et $EG=9$. La bissectrice intérieure de l'angle $(\overrightarrow{FE}, \overrightarrow{FG})$ coupe la droite $(EG)$ en $B$, et soit $A$ la projection du point $G$ sur la droite $(EF)$ parallèlement à la droite $(FB)$. Montrer que le triangle $FGA$ est un triangle isocèle en $F$. Montrer que: $\overrightarrow{EF}=\frac{3}{10}\overrightarrow{EA}$. En déduire que $\overrightarrow{EB}=\frac{3}{10}\overrightarrow{EG}$. Justifier que $\frac{AG}{BF}=\frac{10}{3}$. Our journey begins with a simple yet illustrative example: constructing a geometric diagram that elucidates the properties of triangles, specifically focusing on projections and bisectors within a plane. Utilizing Geo...

How to Create a Fine Looking Series of Exercises in Arabic using LaTeX

Introduction In this tutorial, we'll delve into the art of crafting elegant LaTeX documents in Arabic, with a special focus on two crucial elements: backgrounds and boxes. You'll learn how to design unobtrusive backgrounds that enhance readability and how to construct structured boxes that frame your content beautifully. Importance of a Good Background A good background is important in enhancing the readability and aesthetic appeal of LaTeX documents. The right background choice for Arabic scripts is particularly crucial due to their intricate designs. Simple Background Setup The background package is an easy tool for beginners. Here's a basic example of adding a subtle background to your document: \usepackage{background} \backgroundsetup{ scale=1, color=black, opacity=0.05, angle=0, contents={} } The code snippet above will add a very light grey background to your document, enhancing readability without causing distraction. Changing Background Color ...

Video : How to get graphic's code from Geogebra to Latex

Arabic colored box with a graphic side by side

                      To make an exercise inside a box with a graphic aside, after looking for a solution I found that I can put two minipages separated by a \hfill which fit the box entirely..let's break it down: The following  source code is for the exercise body : %--------document class \documentclass {article} %--------packages \usepackage {amsfonts,amssymb, enumitem } %--------polyglossia package \usepackage { polyglossia } \setdefaultlanguage [ calendar = gregorian , numerals = maghrib ]{ arabic } \newfontfamily\arabicfont [Script= Arabic , Scale=1]{ Amiri } %--------new commands \newcommand { \R }{ \mathbb {R}} \begin {document} لتكن $f$ و $g$ الدالتين المعرفتين على $\R$ بمنحنيهما $(C_f)$ و $(C_g)$ و $A$ نقطة زوج احداثياتها هو $(\frac{3}{2};\frac{1}{2})$ . ( انظر الشكل ) \begin {enumerate}[label={ \arabic* )}] \item\begin {enumerate} \item [(a] حدد ...

Colored Arabic Document

             In Order to create a colored document, I needed the package  tcolorbox giving the huge possibilities that it contain like we are going to explain in this article. However, it doesn't work with the arabart   document class (which by the way I used to make this previous documents :   A LANDSCAPE two columns pages of exercices ,  How to make a serie of exercices in two columns ,  A typical Arabic exam of high school's mathematics  ).          So I moved to using the package  polyglossia where compilation must be done with XeLaTeX . The tcolorbox package (2012) originates from the first edition of the book «LATEX – Einführung in das Textsatzsystem » in about 2006 writing by Dr. Thomas F. Sturm, it provides an environment for colored and framed text boxes with a heading line. As for Polyglossia, it is a package for facilitating multilingual typesetting with...

A French template: serie of exercises by Latex

The screenshot above come from my french serie of exercises, by clicking on it you will be directed to the overleaf  document with all the details. In this article, I present you a French template that may help you with typing maths in french. the code source I work with is  this : %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%------Document class -------%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentclass [twocolumn,french]{article} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%------ packages --------%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \usepackage [top=2. 5cm , bottom=2. 5cm , left=0. 5cm , right=0. 5cm ]{geometry} \usepackage [T1]{fontenc} \usepackage [utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage {lmodern} \usepackage { ntheorem } \usepackage {babel} \usepackage {multicol} \usepackage { multirow } \usepackage {fancyhdr} \usepackage {amsfonts} \usepackage {amsmath} \usepackage {amssymb} \usepackage { latexsym } \usepackage {array} \usepackage {graphicx} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%-----NEW COMMAND-------%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%...

A LANDSCAPE two columns pages of exercises

For making a two-column document, we need to add an option in the document class in the input file \documentclass [ 14pt ,a4paper,twocolumn, landscape ]{ arabart } I propose the following code that generate the document showed in the picture above: \documentclass [ 14pt ,a4paper,twocolumn,landscape]{ arabart } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% importants packages %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \usepackage [top=0. 5cm , bottom=1. 5cm , left= 1cm , right= 1cm ]{geometry} \usepackage [utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage [ LAE ]{fontenc} \usepackage [ arabic ]{babel} \usepackage {multicol} \usepackage { multirow } \usepackage {tabularx} \usepackage {amssymb} \usepackage {array} \usepackage {graphicx} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% new command %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand { \dis }{ \displaystyle } \mathchardef\times="2202 \newcommand { \C }{ \mathbb {C}}...

Multitude of Heart Pattern

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