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Mastering Mathematical Illustrations: GeoGebra, Inkscape, and LaTeX Workflow

Introduction to the Exercise

In this blog post, we explore the process of creating perfect mathematical figures for academic papers, starting with a practical exercise:

Soit $EFG$ un triangle tel que $EF=3$, $FG=7$ et $EG=9$. La bissectrice intérieure de l'angle $(\overrightarrow{FE}, \overrightarrow{FG})$ coupe la droite $(EG)$ en $B$, et soit $A$ la projection du point $G$ sur la droite $(EF)$ parallèlement à la droite $(FB)$.

  • Montrer que le triangle $FGA$ est un triangle isocèle en $F$.
  • Montrer que: $\overrightarrow{EF}=\frac{3}{10}\overrightarrow{EA}$.
  • En déduire que $\overrightarrow{EB}=\frac{3}{10}\overrightarrow{EG}$.
  • Justifier que $\frac{AG}{BF}=\frac{10}{3}$.

Our journey begins with a simple yet illustrative example: constructing a geometric diagram that elucidates the properties of triangles, specifically focusing on projections and bisectors within a plane. Utilizing GeoGebra, we generate the initial figure, demonstrating the application's capability to accurately represent mathematical concepts. This exercise not only serves as a foundation for our discussion but also exemplifies the seamless integration of software tools in enhancing the clarity and effectiveness of mathematical illustrations.

Creating the Initial Figure with GeoGebra

To explore the initial creation of our geometric figure, we utilized GeoGebra, an interactive geometry, algebra, statistics, and calculus application. The figure crafted for this exercise can be viewed directly through the following link, providing a visual foundation for our discussion on enhancing mathematical illustrations for academic purposes. View the figure on GeoGebra.

Exporting as SVG

After creating the initial figure in GeoGebra, exporting it as an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file is a straightforward process. This step is crucial for maintaining the high quality and scalability After creating the initial figure in GeoGebra, exporting it as an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file is a straightforward process. This step is crucial for maintaining the high quality and scalability of the diagram for publication purposes. SVG format ensures that the figure remains crisp and clear regardless of the size at which it is displayed, making it ideal for inclusion in academic papers. This format also allows for further editing and refinement in vector graphic editing tools like Inkscape, enabling precise adjustments and enhancements to the figure.

Troubleshooting Inkscape Integration

Step 1: Check Inkscape Installation

Make sure Inkscape is installed on your system. If it's not installed, download and install it from the official Inkscape website.

Step 2: Verify Inkscape Path

In windows, open the Command Prompt by pressing Win + S, typing cmd, and hitting Enter. Type inkscape --version and press Enter. This checks if Inkscape is in the PATH and what version is installed. If the Command Prompt returns an Inkscape version, it means Inkscape is in your PATH. If you get an error like 'inkscape' is not recognized as an internal or external command, you will need to add Inkscape to your PATH.

Step 3: Add Inkscape to PATH

Search for "Environment Variables" in the Windows search bar and select "Edit the system environment variables." In the System Properties window, click on "Environment Variables." In the "System variables" section, scroll down and find the "Path" variable, then select it and click "Edit." Click "New" and add the path to the Inkscape executable. It’s usually something like C:\Program Files\Inkscape\bin. Click "OK" to close all dialog boxes and apply the changes.

Enabling -shell-escape in TeXmaker

This guide walks you through the process of ensuring that the -shell-escape flag is enabled in TeXmaker, which is necessary for compiling LaTeX documents that include SVG images using the svg package.

Step 1: Open TeXmaker

Start by launching the TeXmaker application on your computer.

Step 2: Access TeXmaker Settings

Go to the "Options" menu and select "Configure TeXmaker" to open the settings dialog.

Step 3: Find the LaTeX Command Configuration

In the settings dialog, navigate to the "Commands" tab to find the compiler commands.

Step 4: Modify the Command

Append the -shell-escape option to your LaTeX compiler command. For pdfLaTeX, your command might look like:

pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape %.tex

Adjust accordingly if you are using a different compiler like LuaLaTeX.

Step 5: Save Changes

After modifying the command, click "OK" or "Apply" to save your changes.

Step 6: Test the Configuration

Compile a simple LaTeX document that includes an SVG image with the \includesvg command to verify that the setup is correct.

If you've followed these steps and your document compiles successfully with the SVG image included, then the -shell-escape flag is correctly enabled in your TeXmaker configuration.


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